Challenges When Sampling for Odour at Wastewater Treatment Plants

Odour Management Conference and Technology Showcase, Toronto, September 2015
Author: Anna Bokowa

Explore an Approach to Determine Odour Emissions from Water Surfaces

A&WMA Annual Conference June 31 2015, Raleigh, NC, USA
Authors: Hong Liu, Anna Bokowa

An Odour Assessment Case Study: Measuring Odour Emissions From Problematic Area Sources Located Inside A Wastewater Treatment Facility

6-th IWA Conference on Odours and Air Emissions, Nov 16-18, 2015 Paris, France
Author: Anna H. Bokowa, Hong Liu, Magdalena A. Bokowa

A Comparative Analysis of Odour Assessments, Odour Regulations and their Implementation in Poland and in Canada

6-th IWA Conference on Odours and Air Emissions, Nov 16-18, 2015 Paris, France
Author: Anna H. Bokowa, Andrzej Kulig, Magdalena A. Bokowa

Comparing the Accuracy of Three Odour Analysis Techniques Used in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Asia

A publication of AIDIC Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 40, 2014,ISBN 978-88-95608-31-0; ISSN 2283-9216
Presented at the 4th International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control, NOSE 2014,Venice, Italy, September 2014
Authors: Anna Bokowa, Magdalena Bokowa

Estimation of Odour Detection Threshold Values for Selected Pure Compounds

WEF Odors and Air Pollutants Conference; May 31- June 3, 2014, Miami, Florida USA
Authors: A. Bokowa and M. Bokowa

Influence of the Particulate Matter When Sampling for Odours

CEM 2014 International Conference and Exhibition on Emission Monitoring”; Istanbul, Turkey, May 14- May 16, 2014
Authors: Anna Bokowa

Determining the Importance of Proper Sampling when Assessing Odour for Complaint Purposes

First International Seminar of Odours in Environment, Santiago, Chile, March 4-5,2014
Authors: Anna Bokowa

How Reliable are Odour Assessments?

Water Science and Technology ; IWA Publishing 2012; 66.10, September 2012
Authors: Anna Bokowa and Dr.J.A.Beukes

Ambient Odour Assessment Similarities and Differences Between Different Techniques

Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol.30, 2012, ISBN 978-88-95608-21-1;ISSN 1974-9791, September 2012

How Reliable Are Odour Assessments?

4th IWA Odour and VOC’s Conference, Vitoria, Brazil, October 2011
Authors: Anna Bokowa and Dr.J.A.Beukes

The Effect of Sampling on the Measured Odour Concentration

Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 23, 2010, International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control, NOSE 2010, September 2010, Volume 17 ISBN 978-88-95608-14-3, September 2010

Ambient Measurements as Verification of Models for Prediction off-site Odours

Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 23, 2010, International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control, NOSE 2010, September 2010, Volume 17 ISBN 978-88-95608-14-3, September 2010

One Odour Unit-Precisely How Can an Odour Unit be Measured

WEF&A&WMA, Odor and Air Pollutants Conference, April 2010

Review of Odour Legislation

WEF&A&WMA, Odor and Air Pollutants Conference, April 2010, published in Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 23, 2010, International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control, NOSE 2010, September 2010, Volume 17 ISBN 978-88-95608-14

Modelling Odour Impact Under Light Wind or Calm Conditions

A&WMA, June 2009
Authors: Anna Bokowa and Hong Liu

Quantification of Odour Emissions from Fugitive Sources

IWA OdourConference , October 2008, published in “Odour and VOC’s:Measurement Regulation and Control” book- University of Kassel, Germany, June 2010
Authors: Anna Bokowa and Hong Liu

Ambient Odour Assessment- Comparison of Two Techniques used for Assessing Ambient Odours

3rd IWA Odour Conference, October, 2008, published in “Odour and VOC’s:Measurement Regulation and Control” book- University of Kassel, Germany, June 2010

What is Offensiveness Threshold Value and Complaint Threshold Value, and what is their Correlation with the Detection Threshold Value

International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control, July 2008, published in Publication of Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, 2008

Techniques for Odour Sampling of Area and Fugitive Sources

International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control, July 2008, published in Publication of Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, 2008

Quantification and Verification of Odour Impact from Fugitive Sources

A&WMA June 2008
Authors: Anna Bokowa and Hong Liu

Odour Sampling Methods for Point, Area, Fugitive and Ambient Sources

WEF/A&WMA, April 2008, published in Water Environment Laboratory Solutions, Volume 15, Number 4, August/September 2008

Methods for Sampling Odours

A&WMA Symposium on Air Quality Measurements Methods and Technology, May 2007

Assessment of Air Velocity and Flow at the Sniff Port During Odour Panel Evaluations

WEF/A&WMA, April 2006

Odour Classification of Land Applied Materials

A&WMA, May 2005

Odour Assessment of Land Applied Materials

IWA, November 2004

Odour Sampling in Ontario

A&WMA, 2003

Emission Testing Program in Support of a Scrubber Efficiency Pilot Project at Rendering Plant

IWA, May 2003

Techniques for Odor Assessment

IWA, September 2003

Community Odor Survey

WEF, April 2002

Odour Assessment at Pig Barns

A&WMA, June 2002

A Comparison of ISCST3, ISCPRIME and AERMOD Dispersion Models for Community Impact Analysis of Odors

A&WMA, June 2001
Authors: Anna Bokowa and Tracy Canney


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